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Indesign Batch Pdf Script

broken image

But there's a free script that does most of what you need.The script is called BatchConvert.And it was written by a guy named Peter Kahrel, whohas written many of the most popular free scripts on the web.He is a legend in the InDesign community.So, here's how you can find his script.First, head over to InDesign CS5 Scripting Tutorial. How to Use the Scripts in this Document For the most part, the scripts shown in this document are not complete scripts. They are only fragments of scripts, and are intended to show only the specific part of a script relevant to the point being discussed in the text.

The script (batch) processes files. It can be used to export InDesign documents to PDF and other formats, to convert QuarkExpress and PageMaker documents to InDesign, to update large numbers of InDesign documents to the latest InDesign version, to downsave documents to previous versions of InDesign (see Downsaving to earlier InDesign versions), and to place Word (and rtf) files either in a single InDesign document or in separate documents.

  • Adobe® InDesign® CS6 Scripting Guide: JavaScript If this guide is distributed with software that includes an end user agreement, this guide, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
  • In Acrobat Pro, you can also use JavaScript with PDF forms and action wizard. The most common uses for JavaScript in forms are formatting data, calculating data, validating data, and assigning an action. Field-level scripts are associated with a specific form field or fields, such as a button.

In addition to converting documents, the script can be used to run another script against all selected documents. Thus, if you select InDesign as the source and the target format, the documents aren't converted, you just run the specified script against all documents. (That script can be JavaScript, compiled AppleScript, or Visual Basic.)


With no documents open, the script displays the dialog shown in the screen shot. At Input folder you enter the location of the files that you want to process; to browse to a folder, click the folder icon. To type a folder name, use the platform-neutral format (/d/test) or any of the platform-specific forms (d:/test or d:test on Windows; note the doubled backslashes in the second format). The ten last-used folders are shown in the dropdown.

After selecting the input folder, its name is entered at Output folder but you can change that either by selecting a folder using the folder icon or by typing its name. To overwrite existing files, tick Overwrite existing files. If you choose not to overwrite existing files, the script adds number suffixes to file names.

Tick Include subfolders to process all subfolders of the selected folder. To keep the converted files in the same folder as the source files, leave the Output folder field empty. If you do specify an output folder and include subfolders, all files are placed together in that output folder.

Tick Ignore errors to ignore errors such as missing fonts and missing links and links that are out-of-date.

Select the source and destination formats in the Source and Target dropdowns. Available options in the source dropdown are InDesign, InDesign book, InDesign (template), INX (CS3 and later), IDML (CS4 and later), PageMaker (up to CC: CS6 is the last InDesign version that supports opening PageMaker files), QuarkExpress, and Word/RTF.

The output formats are InDesign, InDesign (template), INX (CS3 and 4), IDML (CS4 and later), ICML, PDF, interactive PDF, EPS, RTF, XML, JPG, PNG (from CS6), HTML (from CS5.5), packaging (from CS5), and SWF (CC). Word/RTF documents can be saved individually or as a single document; see Word and RTF files, below, for details.

Instead of choosing a folder to select files to convert, you can convert any open documents. If any documents are open, 'Input folder', 'Include subfolders', and the source formats can't be selected.

PDF export options/presets

Select the PDF preset from the list. You can specify more than one PDF preset for export to PDF. For example, in the screenshot, above, four presets are selected: _print, _proof, archive, and _web. When you select a preset whose name starts with the underscore character, a PDF is created using that preset and the preset's name is added to the PDF's name. If the preset name's first character is not an underscore, its name is not added. Thus, if a document named test.indd is exported using the presets shown in the screenshot, these three PDFs will be created: test.pdf, test_print.pdf, test_proof.pdf, and test_web.pdf. In this example, test.pdf was exported using the archive preset: the preset's name was not added because its name doesn't start with an underscore.

Export InDesign documents to PDF as separate pages

The script can export document pages as separate PDFs. The names of PDF files are constructed by combining the InDesign document's name and a three-digit sequential number, which is either the printed document page number or page's document offset. Thus, if you have a two-page document named test.indd and the first page number is 5, then using page numbers produces test_005.pdf and test_006.pdf. On the other hand, when you use offsets, the two PDF files are named test_001.pdf and test_002.pdf.

Note that from CC2018 InDesign can export separate pages natively. If you want to use that feature, set it in the job option(s) and don't use the script's function. To use the script's page-by-page export function, simply don't set it in the PDF job option.

View PDFs after exporting

This performs the same function as the one in InDesign's PDF export dialog: it opens all exported PDFs. This is not a good idea when you export large numbers of documents, but the option lets you override the preset.

Convert Pdf To Indesign File

Custom presets: HTML, JPG, AEM

PDF is the only export format for which Adobe provides presets. All other formats use either the application's or the current document's settings. (JPEG, EPS, PNG, PDF, and SWF are application settings; EPUB and HTML are document settings; XML export is a property of both the application and the document.)

For application settings you need to prime InDesign: open a document, set the desired export settings, export the document, and discard it. The application is now primed for your settings and any document uses those settings when it is exported.

When you export to EPUB, HTML, or XML, the document settings are used. If you don't want to use document preferences you'll have to create your own presets.

The converter comes with tools to create presets for HTML, JPG, and AEM; see below for details.

HTML export presets

If you want to use each document's own HTML export properties, select [None] in the dropdown.

AEM export presets

To export documents to AEM, you must create and install at least one AEM export preset. See AEM export presets, below, for details. For more details on AEM export, see Keith Gilbert's article on InDesign Secrets.

Preserve folder structure when packaging

Checked: The folder structure of the selected input folder is duplicated under the selected output folder, so that each packaged document is in its own subfolder. This mimics InDesign's behaviour: a folder is created for each file and named after the InDesign file; the InDesign file is placed in that folder together with the PDF and IDML files (if their inclusion was selected), and if fonts and/or links are included, a subfolder is created for each. Unchecked: All documents are packaged to the same folder (and all links to the same Links folder, and all fonts to the same Document Fonts folder).

The PDF export part of packaging is sensitive to the PDF export presets you select in the PDF panel.

Include JPEG/PNG

To set the export properties of these two formats, prime InDesign: open a document and export it to JPEG and or PNG using the settings you want for all documents. Now when you run the batch processor, the script will use the export properties you applied.

Indesign batch pdf script free

ICML files

Each document's story is exported using the document's name and the story's id. Stories on master spreads are ignored.

Word and RTF files

Word (both doc and docx) and RTF files can be placed in one or more InDesign documents. Select Word in the Source dropdown and InDesign as the target format to convert each Word file to a separate InDesign document. To combine all Word documents in a single InDesign document, choose InDesign single document as the target format.

When you place all Word files in a single InDesign document, the files are placed in alphabetical order, that is, in the order in which they appear in the file list. File names are printed at the beginning of each Word text so that it's easy to find the beginning of those Word texts. File names are placed between strings of ampersands, as in &&&test.docx&&&.

It's possible to place the Word documents in an existing InDesign document. The script looks in the output folder for a file named Word_InDesign_Template.indd or Word_InDesign_Template.idml (in that order). If that's found, the script places all Word content in it. If the file isn't there, the script simply creates a new blank document. If you use such a template file and you want the Word content to flow into the document automatically, enable Smart Text Reflow in the document.

Convert text to outlines

This option is available only if you export to EPS.

Close open documents

This option is available only if any documents were open when you started the script.

Run a script

You can choose to run a script during the export or conversion; this script can be JavaScript, compiled AppleScript, or Visual Basic. The script runs on every document you export. The script you want to run must be in the same folder as the folder where the batch converter is run from or in a subfolder. (Scripts cannot be run against books.)

If you choose InDesign as both source and target format and select a script, you can in effect use the batch processor as a batch script runner.

Important: Make sure that variables and functions defined in your script do not clash with variables and functions in the batch processor. The best way to do this is to place your script in a so-called anonymous function and declare all variables, as follows:

In line 2, myDoc is not declared as a variable and can interfere with a variable of the same name in the batch processor (if it had one). In line 3, myDoc is declared as a variable by adding the word var before it, restricting the scope of myDoc to this particular function. I don't know if this is relevant for AppleScripts and VB scripts.

See Colin Flashman's post on InDesign Secrets for some interesting examples.

Save documents on closing

Check this box if you're running a script during the conversion or export and want to save the changes the script made.

Batch processor preset

The current window's settings are always stored when you press OK to start the script. The file is called batch_convert.txt and lives in your script folder and is read when next you run the script.

In addition, you can save certain window layouts in presets. These presets are not saved automatically, you must do that yourself, using the familiar icon to the right of the dropdown. The next time you run the script, the last-used preset is selected. Presets are stored in your script folder using the file extension batch_preset.

Creating HTML presets

HTML export properties are properties of a document, not, as most other export properties, of the application. Therefore, if you want to batch-export documents to HTML, you have to create your own preset.

InDesign doesn't support HTML export presets, but the script can use presets that you create yourself in a format that the script recognises. Creating those presets is very simple. Before you run the batch processor, do as follows:

  1. Start a new document.
  2. Open the HTML Export dialog and set all options. There's no need to view the HTML after exporting, so you can disable this function in the General tab of the export options. Click OK to export the document so that the export options are set in the document.
  3. Run the script html_save_preset.jsx, which is included in the download. In the script's dialog, enter the name for the preset and click OK:
    If you enter a name that's already in use, the script asks you if you want to replace the preset with that name. This script is a bit cludgy in that if you answer 'No', the script terminates and you'll need to start it again.
  4. You can now delete the HTML file that you exported in step 2.

HTML presets are stored in your scripts folder and use the file type html_preset. They are plain text files.

Creating JPG presets

This is similar HTML presets. Retrieve jpeg_save_preset.jsx from the preset zip file and use it as described for the HTML preset.

Creating AEM export presets

To export AEM Mobile articles, you must prepare at least one export preset. InDesign doesn't provide any facilities in the form of presets comparable with PDF export presets, you have to create them yourself. AEM presets are pretty simple, the zip download contains an example.

Preset files must use the extension (file type) AEM_preset (case-insensitive). For full details on export properties, see AEM Mobile export properties. They are plain text files. They should be stored in the same folder as the batch converter script.


If the script won't run, please delete the file batch_convert.txt, which lives in the script's folder. (This file is used to store the dialog's settings.) To delete it, open the Scripts panel and make sure that the Display Unsupported File option is checked. Then look for the file in the list; see the screenshot:

Downsaving to earlier InDesign versions

You can downsave documents to a previous version via one or both of the interchange formats INX and IDML. The success of downsaving is variable, it depends on the features present in a document. Features introduced in, say, CS5 naturally do not survive when you save a document down to an earlier version.

Before you downsave, consider the Indesign versions. Often it will be a multi-step operation because of a change in the interchange format.

CS3: reads and writes INX

CS4: reads and writes INX and IDML

Its plc professional edition keygen crack. CS5 and later: read INX, read and write IDML

If you want to downsave, say, CS6 to CS3, you need to export the CS6 file to IDML, then open CS4 and convert IDML to INX.

From CS6, InDesign natively supports downsaving.

Version history

2 Feb. 2019: (a) Added support for JPEG export presets; (b) the script didn't detect InDesign CS6.1 correctly, now it does.

13 Dec. 2018: Added two packaging options: 'Include document hyphenation exceptions only' (available from CC2018) and 'Include report' (that's the instructions.txt file; exposed in the interface from CC2019).

6 Oct. 2018: A bug had crept in that caused the script to ignore the state of the 'View PDF' checkbox. Fixed.

20 Aug. 2018: Added support for ICML export.

13 May 2018: Added a note about InDesign's new page-by-page PDF export functionality.

17 Mar. 2018: Added support for AEM Mobile export.

8 June 2017: Fixed a problem with handling file names containing %-symbols.

7 Mar. 2017: Added InDesign books as a source format. Export to PDF only.

4 Mar. 2017: (a) Choosing a script now pops up an OS file dialog that shows the script folder so that scripts can be selected from subfolders; (b) the state of the 'Save chenged documents on closing' checkbox wasn't selected when the scripts was started; fixed.

29 Jan. 2017: Improved the logistics of linking a script; added some functionality to the processing of Word and RTF files (see Word and RTF files).

2 Jan. 2017: Split the export-per-page PDF option into using page numbers and offsets for sequential numbers.

4 Sept. 2016: Added inclusion of JPEG and PNG as an option in packaging.

4 Sept. 2016: Fixed a problem with restoring the dialog settings from the previous session.

4 Sept. 2016: When you select Word as the source type, the target list now includes the item 'InDesign single document'. Therefore it's now possible to convert each Word (or rtf) file to a separate Indesign file, or place them all in a single InDesign document.

21 Aug. 2016: The PDF preset dropdown is now a multi-select list box. This means that it's now possible to produce several PDFs from a single InDesign document using multiple PDF presets. See PDF presets for details.

21 Aug. 2016: Added 'Word' as a source format. You can now convert folderfuls of rtf, doc, and docx files to InDesign. Each Word file is converted to a separate InDesign file.

19 Oct. 2015: PageMaker support was dropped in InDesign CC, so from CC the PageMaker option doesn't appear in the Source dropdown.

11 Sept. 2015: Added a cautionary note on running scripts inside the batch processor (the script is unchanged). See here.

23 July 2015: 'Run a script' now supports AppleScript and Visual Basic scripts in addition to JavaScripts. AppleScripts must be compiled to .scpt files.

25 March 2015: Single-page PDFs were exported to the wrong folder – fixed.

24 March 2015: Added single-page export for PDF.

10 Feb. 2015: There was a problem displaying the names of some files. Fixed by replacing the message window with a progress bar.

15 Oct. 2014: Fixed the behaviour of the 'Preserve folder structure' option; see the text for details.

12 Oct. 2014: Added various packaging options.

12 Sept. 2014: The script now ignores folders and files whose names start with a dot.

28 November 2013: (1) Added a checkbox so you can choose to overwrite existing files. If the box is not ticked, numbered suffixes are added to file names. (2) Added presets, so now you can store and retrieve different window configurations.

10 August 2013: INX files can be read by all InDesign versions, not just up to CS4. Fixed.

5 July 2013: Added support for SWF export (introduced in CC).

24 March 2013: Added support for HTML export presets; see Creating HTML presets.

14 February 2013: There were reports of problems with exporting to EPS/Convert to outlines enabled. Fixed.

27 November 2012: (1) Added interactive PDF as an export format. (2) Added the option to disable the tooltips.

22 November 2012: Added the option to preserve folder structure when packaging documents. See the text for details.

20 November 2012: CS4 appears not to like the dropdown for the folders. For CS4 the script therefore reverts to the last used folder only. In later CS versions and in CC the dropdown works fine.

9 November 2012: (1) Added tooltips to several dialog items to clarify their purpose. (2) The Input folder field now incorporates a dropdown with the last ten folders used. The output folder continues to display only the last-used folder.

27 June 2012: Added HTML (available from CS5.5).

23 April 2012: Added PNG as an export format (from CS6).

20 February 2012: Fixed a bug that caused an undefined error.

1 November 2011: Rewrote the interface. Documents can now be saved after running a script.

31 October 2011: Added an option to run a script before a file is exported or converted. See text for details.

25 January 2011: Fixed problem with error reporting.

13 January 2011: Added QuarkXPress as a source document type.

1 January 2011: Added packaging.

29 December 2010: Fixed problem with unrecognised format error; PDF View preference wasn't restored: fixed.

2 December 2010: PageMaker conversion now recognises the PMD, PM6, and P65 file extensions: pick PageMaker and all files with any of these extensions are converted.

30 November 2010: added PageMaker conversion.

Sometime in 2003: First posted.

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Create a book from InDesign documents in selected folder
Run the script, select a folder. A book with the same name as the folder will be created and all InDesign from the folder will be added to it. Originally the script was written by Martin Fischer, I reworked it a little to make compatible with CS4.


Enter/create accented characters (CS3 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Enter accented characters using easy-to-remember keystrokes; combine letters and accents; enter characters by their Unicode value.


Create graphic lines between columns
draws vertical lines between columns in selected multycolumn text frame

Best squarespace template authors. Document

Compare two documents by Kasyan
The script compares two documents and finds the differences between them

Merge the two open documents by Dave Saunders


Export Stories to InCopy by Kasyan
This script exports stories in the active document to InCopy Document format creating a separate file (.incx) for each story.

Export book documents to individual PDF files by Peter Kahrel

Export all text
Exports all the text in the active document on page by page basis as a single text file.

Batch-export to interchange by Kasyan
Opens all InDesign documents in theselected folder and exports them into 'Interchange Files' subfolder as inx files, which is created in the selected folder.

Batch-convert/export files (CS2 and up) by Peter Kahrel
Export documents by the folder to PDF, EPS, INX, RTF or convert large numbers of documents to a newer InDesign format.

Custom pdf export by Loic
allows you to make a PDF export of your document by slices on a piece or on all your file.

Export SWF Individually script for CS4 by Ignacio Lirio
Exports all pages in InDesign document as individual SWF files to the same document's folder. Takes same export presets as the last manual export, so it's a good idea to make a first manual sample export to check these presets.

Batch export indd-files to pdf (ID) by Kasyan
Opens all InDesign documents in the selected folder and its subfolders, and exports them to pdf-format.


Find change by queries by Kasyan
Performs a series of find-change operations based on the previously saved settings.

Record Find Change
This script writes the current find/change preferences to a text file so that you can copy/paste them into a find/change list file. It will come in handy to those who use FindChangeByList.jsx script and have trouble with editing FindChangeList.txt file
Written by Martin Fisher (I made minor modifications: translated some text from German to English). Here is a newer version of the script for CS3-5 found on

Various GREP utilities by Peter Kahrel

Search and change case by Thomas Silkjaer

Find-change missing font with scripting by Marjan Tompa


Font Reporter by Marijan Tompa
Collects used fonts information from multiple files

Find/change missing font by Marijan Tompa


Convert footnotes and imported (static) endnotes to (dynamic) endnotes (CS4 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Two scripts here. When you place a Word document with dynamic endnotes in Indesign, you end up with static endnotes in the InDesign document because InDesign doesn't do dynamic endnotes. One of the scripts here fixes that. The other script converts dynamic footnotes in an InDesign document to dynamic endnotes.

Dynamic sidenotes (CS4 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Using an approach similar to that to dynamic endnotes, the script converts footnotes in an InDesign document to dynamic sidenotes. The same script can also be used to set up a sidenote system in an empty document. Other scripts here make it easy to add new sidenotes and to stack sidenotes at the top, centre or bottom of a page.

Adjust space between footnotes and text (CS2 and later) by Peter Kahrel
InDesign lets you set the minimum space between text and footnotes on a document basis only. The script enables you to set that space per page.

Restoring the Footnotes into the Story by Marc Autret

Footnotes2Endnotes by Miguel Sousa
Converts all footnotes to endnotes.


Auto hyperlink
Automatically creates hyperlinks from the list.


Remove hyphens by Loic
removes any hyphenation in the document and updates the paragraph styles ( Except the standard paragraph style).


Resize images by Kasyan
Resizes all raster images in the current InDesign document and sets them to 100%.

Place images by Kasyan
This script replaces text frames containing file names of images with actual images.

Unembed pasted images by Peter Kahrel

Place Images by Contextmenu by Gerald Singelmann

Swapping images by Gerald Singelmann

Scale Graphics Script by Harbs
Scales placed graphics en-mass.

Show Image Properties (CS3-4) by Dmitriy Lapayev
The script is intended to open and display the properties of the selected image.

Convert RGB/CMYK images to Grayscale (ID+PS) by Kasyan
Opens all RGB/CMYK images from the active InDesign document in Photoshop and converts them to Grayscale.


MultiPageImporter for Importing both PDF and INDD Files.

Free Indesign Scripts

Places all the pages of a PDFinside InDesign

Batch import paragraph and character styles by Thomas B. Nielsen
This script will let you choose a folder of files, open each of the files in it and import the styles from source document.


Builds an index based on character styles.

Index Brutal
Builds an index for your documents based on a list of words in a text file.

Indexes and concordances by Peter Kahrel
Create concordance (index of a word in its contexts); create indexes without using InDesign's index feature; add topics and page references form character styles or using a word list; convert page references to text; rebuild index for text markers.

Indesign Batch Pdf Script

ICML files

Each document's story is exported using the document's name and the story's id. Stories on master spreads are ignored.

Word and RTF files

Word (both doc and docx) and RTF files can be placed in one or more InDesign documents. Select Word in the Source dropdown and InDesign as the target format to convert each Word file to a separate InDesign document. To combine all Word documents in a single InDesign document, choose InDesign single document as the target format.

When you place all Word files in a single InDesign document, the files are placed in alphabetical order, that is, in the order in which they appear in the file list. File names are printed at the beginning of each Word text so that it's easy to find the beginning of those Word texts. File names are placed between strings of ampersands, as in &&&test.docx&&&.

It's possible to place the Word documents in an existing InDesign document. The script looks in the output folder for a file named Word_InDesign_Template.indd or Word_InDesign_Template.idml (in that order). If that's found, the script places all Word content in it. If the file isn't there, the script simply creates a new blank document. If you use such a template file and you want the Word content to flow into the document automatically, enable Smart Text Reflow in the document.

Convert text to outlines

This option is available only if you export to EPS.

Close open documents

This option is available only if any documents were open when you started the script.

Run a script

You can choose to run a script during the export or conversion; this script can be JavaScript, compiled AppleScript, or Visual Basic. The script runs on every document you export. The script you want to run must be in the same folder as the folder where the batch converter is run from or in a subfolder. (Scripts cannot be run against books.)

If you choose InDesign as both source and target format and select a script, you can in effect use the batch processor as a batch script runner.

Important: Make sure that variables and functions defined in your script do not clash with variables and functions in the batch processor. The best way to do this is to place your script in a so-called anonymous function and declare all variables, as follows:

In line 2, myDoc is not declared as a variable and can interfere with a variable of the same name in the batch processor (if it had one). In line 3, myDoc is declared as a variable by adding the word var before it, restricting the scope of myDoc to this particular function. I don't know if this is relevant for AppleScripts and VB scripts.

See Colin Flashman's post on InDesign Secrets for some interesting examples.

Save documents on closing

Check this box if you're running a script during the conversion or export and want to save the changes the script made.

Batch processor preset

The current window's settings are always stored when you press OK to start the script. The file is called batch_convert.txt and lives in your script folder and is read when next you run the script.

In addition, you can save certain window layouts in presets. These presets are not saved automatically, you must do that yourself, using the familiar icon to the right of the dropdown. The next time you run the script, the last-used preset is selected. Presets are stored in your script folder using the file extension batch_preset.

Creating HTML presets

HTML export properties are properties of a document, not, as most other export properties, of the application. Therefore, if you want to batch-export documents to HTML, you have to create your own preset.

InDesign doesn't support HTML export presets, but the script can use presets that you create yourself in a format that the script recognises. Creating those presets is very simple. Before you run the batch processor, do as follows:

  1. Start a new document.
  2. Open the HTML Export dialog and set all options. There's no need to view the HTML after exporting, so you can disable this function in the General tab of the export options. Click OK to export the document so that the export options are set in the document.
  3. Run the script html_save_preset.jsx, which is included in the download. In the script's dialog, enter the name for the preset and click OK:
    If you enter a name that's already in use, the script asks you if you want to replace the preset with that name. This script is a bit cludgy in that if you answer 'No', the script terminates and you'll need to start it again.
  4. You can now delete the HTML file that you exported in step 2.

HTML presets are stored in your scripts folder and use the file type html_preset. They are plain text files.

Creating JPG presets

This is similar HTML presets. Retrieve jpeg_save_preset.jsx from the preset zip file and use it as described for the HTML preset.

Creating AEM export presets

To export AEM Mobile articles, you must prepare at least one export preset. InDesign doesn't provide any facilities in the form of presets comparable with PDF export presets, you have to create them yourself. AEM presets are pretty simple, the zip download contains an example.

Preset files must use the extension (file type) AEM_preset (case-insensitive). For full details on export properties, see AEM Mobile export properties. They are plain text files. They should be stored in the same folder as the batch converter script.


If the script won't run, please delete the file batch_convert.txt, which lives in the script's folder. (This file is used to store the dialog's settings.) To delete it, open the Scripts panel and make sure that the Display Unsupported File option is checked. Then look for the file in the list; see the screenshot:

Downsaving to earlier InDesign versions

You can downsave documents to a previous version via one or both of the interchange formats INX and IDML. The success of downsaving is variable, it depends on the features present in a document. Features introduced in, say, CS5 naturally do not survive when you save a document down to an earlier version.

Before you downsave, consider the Indesign versions. Often it will be a multi-step operation because of a change in the interchange format.

CS3: reads and writes INX

CS4: reads and writes INX and IDML

Its plc professional edition keygen crack. CS5 and later: read INX, read and write IDML

If you want to downsave, say, CS6 to CS3, you need to export the CS6 file to IDML, then open CS4 and convert IDML to INX.

From CS6, InDesign natively supports downsaving.

Version history

2 Feb. 2019: (a) Added support for JPEG export presets; (b) the script didn't detect InDesign CS6.1 correctly, now it does.

13 Dec. 2018: Added two packaging options: 'Include document hyphenation exceptions only' (available from CC2018) and 'Include report' (that's the instructions.txt file; exposed in the interface from CC2019).

6 Oct. 2018: A bug had crept in that caused the script to ignore the state of the 'View PDF' checkbox. Fixed.

20 Aug. 2018: Added support for ICML export.

13 May 2018: Added a note about InDesign's new page-by-page PDF export functionality.

17 Mar. 2018: Added support for AEM Mobile export.

8 June 2017: Fixed a problem with handling file names containing %-symbols.

7 Mar. 2017: Added InDesign books as a source format. Export to PDF only.

4 Mar. 2017: (a) Choosing a script now pops up an OS file dialog that shows the script folder so that scripts can be selected from subfolders; (b) the state of the 'Save chenged documents on closing' checkbox wasn't selected when the scripts was started; fixed.

29 Jan. 2017: Improved the logistics of linking a script; added some functionality to the processing of Word and RTF files (see Word and RTF files).

2 Jan. 2017: Split the export-per-page PDF option into using page numbers and offsets for sequential numbers.

4 Sept. 2016: Added inclusion of JPEG and PNG as an option in packaging.

4 Sept. 2016: Fixed a problem with restoring the dialog settings from the previous session.

4 Sept. 2016: When you select Word as the source type, the target list now includes the item 'InDesign single document'. Therefore it's now possible to convert each Word (or rtf) file to a separate Indesign file, or place them all in a single InDesign document.

21 Aug. 2016: The PDF preset dropdown is now a multi-select list box. This means that it's now possible to produce several PDFs from a single InDesign document using multiple PDF presets. See PDF presets for details.

21 Aug. 2016: Added 'Word' as a source format. You can now convert folderfuls of rtf, doc, and docx files to InDesign. Each Word file is converted to a separate InDesign file.

19 Oct. 2015: PageMaker support was dropped in InDesign CC, so from CC the PageMaker option doesn't appear in the Source dropdown.

11 Sept. 2015: Added a cautionary note on running scripts inside the batch processor (the script is unchanged). See here.

23 July 2015: 'Run a script' now supports AppleScript and Visual Basic scripts in addition to JavaScripts. AppleScripts must be compiled to .scpt files.

25 March 2015: Single-page PDFs were exported to the wrong folder – fixed.

24 March 2015: Added single-page export for PDF.

10 Feb. 2015: There was a problem displaying the names of some files. Fixed by replacing the message window with a progress bar.

15 Oct. 2014: Fixed the behaviour of the 'Preserve folder structure' option; see the text for details.

12 Oct. 2014: Added various packaging options.

12 Sept. 2014: The script now ignores folders and files whose names start with a dot.

28 November 2013: (1) Added a checkbox so you can choose to overwrite existing files. If the box is not ticked, numbered suffixes are added to file names. (2) Added presets, so now you can store and retrieve different window configurations.

10 August 2013: INX files can be read by all InDesign versions, not just up to CS4. Fixed.

5 July 2013: Added support for SWF export (introduced in CC).

24 March 2013: Added support for HTML export presets; see Creating HTML presets.

14 February 2013: There were reports of problems with exporting to EPS/Convert to outlines enabled. Fixed.

27 November 2012: (1) Added interactive PDF as an export format. (2) Added the option to disable the tooltips.

22 November 2012: Added the option to preserve folder structure when packaging documents. See the text for details.

20 November 2012: CS4 appears not to like the dropdown for the folders. For CS4 the script therefore reverts to the last used folder only. In later CS versions and in CC the dropdown works fine.

9 November 2012: (1) Added tooltips to several dialog items to clarify their purpose. (2) The Input folder field now incorporates a dropdown with the last ten folders used. The output folder continues to display only the last-used folder.

27 June 2012: Added HTML (available from CS5.5).

23 April 2012: Added PNG as an export format (from CS6).

20 February 2012: Fixed a bug that caused an undefined error.

1 November 2011: Rewrote the interface. Documents can now be saved after running a script.

31 October 2011: Added an option to run a script before a file is exported or converted. See text for details.

25 January 2011: Fixed problem with error reporting.

13 January 2011: Added QuarkXPress as a source document type.

1 January 2011: Added packaging.

29 December 2010: Fixed problem with unrecognised format error; PDF View preference wasn't restored: fixed.

2 December 2010: PageMaker conversion now recognises the PMD, PM6, and P65 file extensions: pick PageMaker and all files with any of these extensions are converted.

30 November 2010: added PageMaker conversion.

Sometime in 2003: First posted.

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Create a book from InDesign documents in selected folder
Run the script, select a folder. A book with the same name as the folder will be created and all InDesign from the folder will be added to it. Originally the script was written by Martin Fischer, I reworked it a little to make compatible with CS4.


Enter/create accented characters (CS3 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Enter accented characters using easy-to-remember keystrokes; combine letters and accents; enter characters by their Unicode value.


Create graphic lines between columns
draws vertical lines between columns in selected multycolumn text frame

Best squarespace template authors. Document

Compare two documents by Kasyan
The script compares two documents and finds the differences between them

Merge the two open documents by Dave Saunders


Export Stories to InCopy by Kasyan
This script exports stories in the active document to InCopy Document format creating a separate file (.incx) for each story.

Export book documents to individual PDF files by Peter Kahrel

Export all text
Exports all the text in the active document on page by page basis as a single text file.

Batch-export to interchange by Kasyan
Opens all InDesign documents in theselected folder and exports them into 'Interchange Files' subfolder as inx files, which is created in the selected folder.

Batch-convert/export files (CS2 and up) by Peter Kahrel
Export documents by the folder to PDF, EPS, INX, RTF or convert large numbers of documents to a newer InDesign format.

Custom pdf export by Loic
allows you to make a PDF export of your document by slices on a piece or on all your file.

Export SWF Individually script for CS4 by Ignacio Lirio
Exports all pages in InDesign document as individual SWF files to the same document's folder. Takes same export presets as the last manual export, so it's a good idea to make a first manual sample export to check these presets.

Batch export indd-files to pdf (ID) by Kasyan
Opens all InDesign documents in the selected folder and its subfolders, and exports them to pdf-format.


Find change by queries by Kasyan
Performs a series of find-change operations based on the previously saved settings.

Record Find Change
This script writes the current find/change preferences to a text file so that you can copy/paste them into a find/change list file. It will come in handy to those who use FindChangeByList.jsx script and have trouble with editing FindChangeList.txt file
Written by Martin Fisher (I made minor modifications: translated some text from German to English). Here is a newer version of the script for CS3-5 found on

Various GREP utilities by Peter Kahrel

Search and change case by Thomas Silkjaer

Find-change missing font with scripting by Marjan Tompa


Font Reporter by Marijan Tompa
Collects used fonts information from multiple files

Find/change missing font by Marijan Tompa


Convert footnotes and imported (static) endnotes to (dynamic) endnotes (CS4 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Two scripts here. When you place a Word document with dynamic endnotes in Indesign, you end up with static endnotes in the InDesign document because InDesign doesn't do dynamic endnotes. One of the scripts here fixes that. The other script converts dynamic footnotes in an InDesign document to dynamic endnotes.

Dynamic sidenotes (CS4 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Using an approach similar to that to dynamic endnotes, the script converts footnotes in an InDesign document to dynamic sidenotes. The same script can also be used to set up a sidenote system in an empty document. Other scripts here make it easy to add new sidenotes and to stack sidenotes at the top, centre or bottom of a page.

Adjust space between footnotes and text (CS2 and later) by Peter Kahrel
InDesign lets you set the minimum space between text and footnotes on a document basis only. The script enables you to set that space per page.

Restoring the Footnotes into the Story by Marc Autret

Footnotes2Endnotes by Miguel Sousa
Converts all footnotes to endnotes.


Auto hyperlink
Automatically creates hyperlinks from the list.


Remove hyphens by Loic
removes any hyphenation in the document and updates the paragraph styles ( Except the standard paragraph style).


Resize images by Kasyan
Resizes all raster images in the current InDesign document and sets them to 100%.

Place images by Kasyan
This script replaces text frames containing file names of images with actual images.

Unembed pasted images by Peter Kahrel

Place Images by Contextmenu by Gerald Singelmann

Swapping images by Gerald Singelmann

Scale Graphics Script by Harbs
Scales placed graphics en-mass.

Show Image Properties (CS3-4) by Dmitriy Lapayev
The script is intended to open and display the properties of the selected image.

Convert RGB/CMYK images to Grayscale (ID+PS) by Kasyan
Opens all RGB/CMYK images from the active InDesign document in Photoshop and converts them to Grayscale.


MultiPageImporter for Importing both PDF and INDD Files.

Free Indesign Scripts

Places all the pages of a PDFinside InDesign

Batch import paragraph and character styles by Thomas B. Nielsen
This script will let you choose a folder of files, open each of the files in it and import the styles from source document.


Builds an index based on character styles.

Index Brutal
Builds an index for your documents based on a list of words in a text file.

Indexes and concordances by Peter Kahrel
Create concordance (index of a word in its contexts); create indexes without using InDesign's index feature; add topics and page references form character styles or using a word list; convert page references to text; rebuild index for text markers.

Update index by Peter Kahrel

Mark up index words from colours by Thomas Silkjaer.


Kerning (CS3 and later) by Peter Kahrel
InDesign doesn't let you modify kerning tables, but with this script you can apply your own kerning tables.


Create graphic lines between columns
draws vertical lines between columns in selected multycolumn text frame


Update path names in links by Kasyan
This script relinks old links with new ones in a folder you choose.

Update links to new drive letters (ID for Windows) by Kasyan
This script changes the drive letter in the path names, has an option to relink all or only missing links.

Restore broken links after server migration in Indesign (ID) by Kasyan
restores broken links by replacing the part of the path that changed.

Remove all instances of the same link (ID) by Kasyan
Just select a graphic frame with Selection tool and run the script — all instances of this link will be removed together with frames.

Batch update links (ID) by Kasyan
Batch updates all modified links in all InDesign documents located in the selected folder.

Show InDesign links (ID &Bridge) by Kasyan
This script makes possible to see list of all links in an InDesign file selected in Bridge.

Delete links to tagged text files (CS and later) by Peter Kahrel
InDesign 3 (CS) and earlier always create a link when you place tagged-text files. These links show up also when you convert such documents to later versions of InDesign. The script removes all these links.

Change Links by Dmitriy Lapayev
Relink the images of the document to files with identical names in chosen folder.

Remove missing links by Kasyan
Removes missing links in the active document, their containing frames stay in place.

Embed all links by Kasyan


Align objects (CS2) by Peter Kahrel
InDesign CS2's options for aligning objects are limited. The script expands these.


Add a page while typing (CS2, 3) by Peter Kahrel
Add a page at the end of the document in which you're typing. No longer relevant from CS4 as it is built into the program.

ExtractPages by Eddy
Select a range of pages to export. ExtractPages pulls off the pages and generates a new document.


Delete empty paragraph style groups by Kasyan


Clean up your Pasteboard script by Marc Autret

Adobe Indesign Scripts


Auto create paragraph and character styles by Thomas Silkjaer

Batch import paragraph and character styles by Thomas B. Nielsen
This script will let you choose a folder of files, open each of the files in it and import the styles from source document.

List paragraph styles in their style by Dave Saunders
The script creates a list of paragraph styles where each style name appears in the formatting of the style — a sort of quick visual guide to a document's paragraph styles.

List paragraph and character styles by Kasyan
Makes a list of all paragraph styles and character styles in the active document, showing the font, font size and leading.


Remove empty columns on all pages by Kasyan
Remove all empty columns in tables on all pages.

Sort tables (CS3 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Sort a table on up to three columns. Formatting can be preserved.

Merge tables (CS2 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Merge all selected tables.

Table Merger by Harbs
This is a simple script which merges two tables. You can select to either merge horizontally or vertically


Text counter
A simple script that counts a number of text frames, paragraphs, words, characters (including and not including spaces).

Add vertical rules to selected paragraphs (CS4 and later) by Peter Kahrel
You can define horizontal rules (one before, one after) in InDesign's paragraphs, but not vertical rules. The script fixes that.

Highlighting word- and letter-spacing overrides (CS4 and later) by Peter Kahrel
The scripts highlights paragraphs with overridden word and/or letter spacing.

Highlight No Break (CS4 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Like word and letter spacing, the No Break attribute is not easily visible. The script highlights all text to which No Break has been applied.

Kerning (CS3 and later)
InDesign doesn't let you modify kerning tables, but with this script you can apply your own kerning tables.

Enter/create accented characters (CS3 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Enter accented characters using easy-to-remember keystrokes; combine letters and accents; enter characters by their Unicode value.

Distribute Tabs by Gerald Singelmann
This JavaScript considers the left indent and the position of the last manual tab stop and distributes all other tab stops. It should work with several paragraphs selected, treating each paragraph indepentently. It works here with CS2 as well as CS3. Since I had no time to test rigorously any feedback is welcome.

Text fitting scripts by Harbs
One of the most tedious jobs is fitting text to the space it is supposed to take up. A little bigger, a little smaller, wait! the text is different sizes… sigh… Well, here's a few scripts to help with a couple of different situations…

Resize selected text by Thomas Silkjaer
This script allows you to resize a text selection, and handles the different sized text in the selection.

Proper Fraction Pro 2.0 by Dan Rodney
Whether you use OpenType fonts or not, formatting fractions is a tedious task. This script lets you automatically format many fractions with a few clicks (or format one fraction at a time).

Text frame

Break columns script
Breaks columns in the selected text frame into separate text frames, keeping original columns' sizes, gutter and text flow.

Create graphic lines between columns
draws vertical lines between columns in selected multycolumn text frame.

Create anchored frames by Thomas Silkjaer
A script which will help you automate creating those anchored text frames for margin text, captions etc. By specifying which character styles or paragraph styles from a text story you want cut out and placed in an anchored text frame, it will complete the task for you.

Text variable

Show/set text variables (CS3 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Display the names and values of custom text variables in a document; change them easily and create new variables conveniently. New version for CS4, also works in CS3.


World Map by Jongware
Draws a world map.

Indesign Batch Pdf Script Pdf

Maze generator by Jongware
Start it in a blank document with no selection to get a crude 'width/height' dialog, or draw a rectangle and have it selected to fill it with 5 mm wide maze paths. If you're feeling experimentally, draw polygons, or tack together a few shapes and combine their paths into one.

Language-aware paragraph sorting (CS3 and later) by Peter Kahrel
Sort paragraph (or lines) according to the sort rules of the document's language. Formatting remains intact.

Draw triangles with precise sides widths by Loic

broken image